Sunday 13 March 2016

Jalinan Kasih

Assalamualaikum, dear readers. In this entry I just wanna share to you guys the things that had been making me soo busy this whole week. I was assigned as vice director for a program named Jalinan Kasih. This program was held yesterday at Rumah Bakti NurShaheera located in Cheras.

I was preparing for this program since last year and this week had been a very hectic week for me. Yeah, I had some misunderstanding and miscommunication with my director of the program due to some problems. And yup, I got carried away with personal problems. Sorry for that dear director.

This Jalinan Kasih program had given me such a valuable experience that I think I won't forget. The feel of being a vice director of the program was priceless. Even though I and the director was monitored by the Director of the Campaign. You guys must be puzzled right? How many directors are there actually?

Okay, lemme tell you clearly. From 7th March 2016, Kempen Mukmin Professional was held. This campaign takes a week which will end tomorrow. During this whole week, there are 5 different programs. Which are Malam Perasmian, Forum Perdana, Malam Berselawat, Jalinan Kasih (my program) and Malam Sentuhan Qalbu aka Malam Penutup.

For the program, we didn't get any sponsorship. So, me myself and the director need to find for some money in order to make this program happened. Alhamdulillah, Allah sent us a very helpful committee and they really give their commitment through thick and thin. I was so blessed.

They collected money from all over the place. The foundation lecturers, the staffs, the students from each kuliah, from the blocks and almost everywhere they could. And Alhamdulillah, the amount of money that they received was beyond my expectation. We were having our first test that time. But, they still manage to collect money for the program.  Subhanallah.

During the meeting, yeah I admit that not everyone manage to attend but nevermind. The moment when we were having our meeting to brainstorm about the module that we are going to play with the kids it was quite hambar. Seriously. Not much ideas came out and they were not such effective. But, we got something from the meeting.

Then, towards the event day, we the director of the campaign wanted us to do some rehearsal. Hm.. okay. Then I told the committees and Alhamdulillah almost everyone was there. During the rehearsal Ya Allah, only God knows how I was that time. Plus, my director was not there during the meeting because of some other problems. It was quite emotionally torturing. I knew that the other secretariat that are following are doing only one module but I myself had been posting the tentative since February and there are no response from them. How can I not be pissed off? So, with such good committee, they were willing to carry out 2 modules on that day. 

So, late at night towards the midnight we discussed about what module are we going to do for both modules. The first module that we discusses a month ago was not effective, somehow we need to change the module within just a few days left. The first module we decided to play Newspaper Fashion Show. The kids need to create an outfit with given theme (eg : traditional) with provided time.

For the next module which is the second module, we seperate the games. Some of us handled for the 11 years old and below and the other will handle 12 years old and above. I wanted to play with the kids so I take part with the first group, which is for the 11 years. They decided to make a huuuuuuuuge dam ular which we will need to do ourselves. Everybody was soo excited to play and have fun with the kids, so they were willing to give they full commitment to do and complete the dam ular within just 2 days left before 12 March.

The next day, we went out to buy some stuffs for the dam ular. Yeah, I went out with boys. But! Not with cab. We went to the mines with the campus bus. And we seperated when we reach there. Come on! I'm still with my principle. The journey to the mall was super torturing. Why? Because the bus was damn packed. I can't imagine myself standing at the edge of the platform. Ya Allah, my legs was hurt. Unfortunately,  the bus went all around the campus before it drove off to the mall.  

It was super duper torturing. Just after I left the bus subhanallah, my legs were shaking. I walked as fast as I could because I couldn't bare it anymore. Dah lah dengan perut yang lapar. My only motivation to walk that fast was lunch, chair and air cond. After I myself, Aini (my roommate) and Umairatul (my kuliahmate) we seperated to buy our own stuffs. Then, I got a call from Umairatul which request to buy stuffs for the program first, then we proceed with our own agenda. So that we can enjoy our own sweet time in buying our personal stuff.

So, we went in the Giant Supermarket to buy the stuffs. Yeah, it was quite 'enjoying' *I don't find the right word to describe the situation* Buying presents for the kids *oh God, I miss this* while wandering around the mall, we found our own stuff *lari daripada niat dah, hahaha* And what is more enjoying is when we were in the toys junction. Guess what?? We were the one who was excited when we found the toys! Hahaha. Funneh. Oh God, I just realised that I've wrote too long in this entry. I guess I better stop here and continue in my next entry. 

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